Sounds great indeed!
Just like title says it, this song sounds great! Everything is well balanced and that's really awesome, good job!!
Sounds great indeed!
Just like title says it, this song sounds great! Everything is well balanced and that's really awesome, good job!!
You just boosted up this song so much! Amazing remix indeed!
Thanks mate!
Yeah, this song is really nice to listen! I like this very much, and yeah, it's same as Sparrow40k said, little changing for the beat, like adding more kicks at some points or more claps and it would have been full 10 stars from me!
Keep up the great work you are doing!!!
THANKS ALOT for a really nice rewiev=) Yes i dont like beat too but the reason why i couldnt edit it is same as in previous respond=(
This really makes day better!
This song makes my day better always I listen this, this reminds me of my friend who lives far away from me, I dunno how... but it really reminds me of it, I also got an idea for my story from this, thank you for this amazing song ^_^
I see great song
Yeah, just like my title says, I see coming an great song from this, only it needs is some mixing, so the instruments should not be so overpowered. Gladly wait your full version ^_^
Yeah, if/when I finish this, I'll be sure to master it better. At the moment it's just a soundgoodizer, lol.
This song is simply amazing! Beat is good and everything so well balanced, awesome work! This could be really awesome in night club ;)
Nice song, at same time it's hard and it's calm, that makes this song so good! Very good instruments and effects and everything are well balanced! I like this, thanks for this great song!
Sounds great
Yep, this really does sound great, or wait.. not great, actually it's awesome! Even if I don't like heavy metal a lot, but I gotta say this song rocks! And like Neefrust-Dakhem said below, this song should be on FFVII remake if they make it! Rock on man!!
Age 32
Joined on 3/8/08